Wednesday, 9 January 2013


Friend: "What's your New Year resolution?"

Me: "Heh. 300 dpi. "

~awkward silence~

Yup. End of the world is always interesting and awkward at the same time. Anyway, I'm back again this year with a few new artworks at hand! Recently I received orders from Asterisk Studio Japan to do a concept art painting for the level 1 and level 2 background of their new game. They were just painting of a normal cave and a crystal cave, really. Still, I was flabbergasted by the amount of details and specifications that they insist on having on both the artworks I had to render every single rock to look perfect but still has that irregular feeling of a painting to it. Phew. Too bad I cannot post it up because of obvious corporate reasons but once they give me the green light I promise I'll put it in the blog. 

As rigorous as it sounds (nah not really), those cave paintings really get my engine going I decided to do more research and watch more of Feng Zhu's tutorial. Turns out he uses a lot of fancy brushes that gives texture to the stucture to the paintings (the particles floating in the air for example). Obviously that is smart because in the industry that kind of speed is really needed. So I went to look for my own set of digital brush and it's always fun to have new tools at hand. Download them here simply extract them using the unarchiver if you are using Mac or just winrar if you are using windows. Here are the samples of what you can do with that new set of brush:

A vagabond arriving into a village built on a tree top. Chinese elements because I just want to go back home for a while and celebrate Chinese New Year! ><

Highway transport in a fantasy, futuristic city. I don't expect Indonesia to have this kind of railway but at least build a proper functioning where people don't just GTA around town like headless chickens. 

Anyway, if you have spare time, do watch Feng Zhu's free video tutorial in his youtube channel or blog. It really do helps in terms of understanding value, composition and all the fundamentals that you need to produce high quality, industry level painting. As for my new year resolution, I'll try to post up more paintings every 2 weeks if I am not too busy for my part time work and other volunteer design stuff. T^T. So yeah, ciao and keep the artist in you alive! 

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